CDO installation and use

Climate Modelling course
Chair of Meteorology

Dánnell Quesada — 13/10/21

Logo TU Dresden


1. From the CDO documentation

  • CDO stands for Climate Data Operators

  • CDO is meant for Posix compatible operating systems (like Linux)

  • Nevertheless, here you can find the official recommendations to run
    CDO on Windows

    • The Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2 (wsl2) installs a Linux
      kernel to create a proper compatibility layer for Windows

    • The following steps correspond to option #2 on the documentation
      and works for Windows 10

    • For Windows 8, wsl1 should be installed (not yet tested for our purpose)

    • Windows S is incompatible

  • Should also work in MacOS

2. Install wsl

  • Option #1: Windows 10 version 2004 and
    higher, or Windows 11 check here

  • Option #2: older versions, check here

  • Note that these steps are for wsl version 2

  • Some visual aid is added

2.1. Option #1:

  1. Open PowerShell as Administrator:

    powershell admin
  1. Run (type or copy — paste [right-click on PowerShell]
    and then press enter):

    wsl --install

This should already install Ubuntu version 20.04 (?), for other versions/distros check here

Since these changes are quite new, these steps have not been tested

2.2. Option #2

  1. Open PowerShell as Administrator (as shown before)

  2. Run:

    dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:
        Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart

This should be typed all together (one line)

2.3. Update to WSL 2 (check Windows version)

  • Windows 10 version 1903+, build 18362+. For most computers (x64)

  • Check with Win key + R, type winverOK

  • Update if needed:

If you are running Windows 10 version 1903 or 1909, open "Settings" from your Windows menu, navigate to "Update & Security" and select "Check for Updates". Your Build number must be 18362.1049+ or 18363.1049+, with the minor build # over .1049.

2.4. Enable Virtual Machine feature

  1. From the PowerShell as Administrator run:

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
  1. Restart to complete WSL install and updates

2.5. Download the Linux kernel update package

  • Download WSL2 Linux kernel update package for x64 machines

  • Install as administrator (elevated permissions)

2.6. Set WSL 2 as your default version

  • From the PowerShell as Administrator run:

    wsl --set-default-version 2

    wsl2 setup finished!

2.7. Install Linux distro

  1. Open the Microsoft Store and select a Linux distribution (distro)

    CDO CM 8cae7
  2. Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 were tested for CDO. After this, Ubuntu
    should be a searchable program in Windows

3. Setting up Ubuntu

  1. Open the Ubuntu app

  2. On the first lunch, it will show this:

    first lunch
  3. Set credentials, user and password (twice)

  4. Output should look like this:

after credentials

3.2. Update and upgrade

  • Run from the Linux terminal:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  • To run sudo you will be asked for the password set in the
    previous step

  • This might take a while, you should see something like this:

CDO CM bc492

4. Install and check CDO

  • To install, simply run from the Ubuntu terminal:

    sudo apt-get install cdo -y

Installation finished!

  • The last step works also for other Ubuntu based distros

  • It is also available for other distros, e.g. Arch based

4.1. CDO version

  • Check that CDO is working with:

    cdo --version
CDO CM 3fbe4

5. CDO installation in MacOS

  • The following solutions have not been tested by us but they reportedly work for MacOS.
    This information was taken from the CDO wiki

    1. With MacPorts simply run from the terminal:

      port install cdo +grib_api +magicspp +szip
    2. With homebrew:

      brew tap moffat/sciencebits
      brew install cdo
  • If needed, to install homebrew:

    1. To install with ruby, run this:

      ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
    2. If the last command doesn’t work, try:

      curl -fsSL > \
      ruby brew_install_script

6. Basic shell commands

  • To work from the terminal, some basic commands are needed:

    1. mkdir → creates directory. The following creates the folder data in the current directory

      mkdir data
    2. pwd → print working directory. To check the current working directory

    3. cd → change directory. To access the created folder:

      cd data
  1. ls → list contents of current directory

  2. cp → copy file. This copies file1 to file2

    cp file1 file2
  3. mv → move files or directories (also to rename). The following moves file1 into the
    created folder while renaming it to file2

    mv file1 data/file2
  4. cat → prints the content of a file (text)

7. Accessing Windows files from Linux

  1. Download the file (here, under nc_files)

  2. If the file was downloaded to C:\User\Downloads, to access the downloads folder do:

    cd /mnt/c/User/Downloads
  3. Try some CDO commands as:

    cdo sinfo # short description of the file
    cdo griddes # grid description, output on next slide
    cdo graph,device="png" -selgridcell,1 plot # quick plot
  4. The CDO operators are here (explained) or type:

    cdo --operators
  5. If you encounter issues opening or accessing the file do:

    sudo chown $USER
index bf42f

8. Accessing Linux files from Windows

  1. Type \\wsl$ on the file explorer path (on the top), enter

  2. Then click Ubuntuhomeuser

  3. Should look something like this (note the plot created before):

index abfc5

9. Exercise

  1. Exploration of NetCDF files

  2. Visualization of the files

    • A set of example files are in this repo, nc_files folder

  3. Manipulation of files

  4. Selection of desired coordinates

  5. Export data as text for further manipulation in other software

  6. Download CORDEX files

10. Exploration

  • To have an idea of the contents of the file we can run some commands from
    the terminal that will print some information to the screen

  • Commands to try:

    • cdo sinfo file → short description of the contents

    • cdo griddes file → description of the grid

    • ncdump file → metadata description, not CDO but useful

      • Try with -h (header) and -c (coordinates)

  • See more options with cdo --operators

  • Check help of a operator with e.g. cdo --help sellonlatbox or here

11. Visualization

  • It is possible to create high-quality plots from CDO by using the Magics software

    • Already included in the installation process explained before

  • The documentation of the use of CDO+Magics is here

  • There are 3 types of plots with this combination

    • 2D Lon-Lat plots: shaded, grfill and contour

    • 2D vector plots: plots vectors (e.g. wind fields) on 2D maps

    • Line graph plots: generates time-series plots

  • Due to the rotated pole rotation embedded in CORDEX projections, 2D plotting
    options within CDO are not available

    • They only accept rectilinear grids and CORDEX is curvilinear

    • Reprojection needed to plot them

      • It can be done with CDO

      • Or check this repo for an R solution

11.1. 2D Lon-Lat

  • From the terminal, access the folder where the file was downloaded

    • This file is a small example of a rectangular grid taken from ERA5

  • Run the following command

    cdo -shaded,device=pdf,lon_max=-50,lon_min=-110,lat_max=30,lat_min=-10,\
    interval=2,colour_triad=cw,colour_min=violet,colour_max=red \
    -seltimestep,42 shaded
  • Resulting file shaded_2t.pdf should be created, shown on next slide

  • Note the arguments passed to CDO

    • Two functions, shaded and seltimestep, are passed with corresponding parameters

    • The - allows concatenation of several functions

    • Here we selected only the 42nd step.

    • The \ are only to break the line, this command could be written in one line

  • Try adding ,step_freq=10 after red (no space) and removing -seltimestep,42

    • Check resulting file

  • Try the contour and grfill commands

plot 2t

11.3. Line graph plots

  • These type of plots are possible with CORDEX files (no need for rectangular grids)

  • Let’s plot a time series for the city of Dresden

  • Run this command from the terminal:

cdo -graph,device=pdf,linewidth=4 -remapnn,lon=13.73/lat=51.05 \ graph
  • The file graph.pdf should have been created in the working directory

  • Note the remapnn function → remap to the nearest neighbour

    • Returns the time series related to the pixel in which the given coordinate pair is

  • Plot in next slide


12. Manipulation of files

12.1. Merge

  • Merge all the provided historical run files into one and save into new file

cdo -z zip -mergetime \
mrso_EUR-44_ICHEC-EC-EARTH_historical_r12i1p1_SMHI-RCA4_v1_day_19* \
  • Notes

    • -z zip to compress the file

    • -mergetime is the main function

    • 19* wildcard to give as input all the historical files instead of typing each

    • is the name of the output file

  • Explore resulting file

12.2. Cropping

  • To select only a pixel where our location of interest is, again, for Dresden:

cdo -remapnn,lon=13.73/lat=51.05 \ \
  • To select the pixels inside a boundary box, Saxony (approx.) for example:

cdo -sellonlatbox,11.5,15.5,49.7,52.2 \ \
  • Check the files with griddes and sinfo

12.3. Exporting to text

  • For further analysis and plots, one might want to export some information in text format

  • For example, for the previous file for Dresden:

    cdo -outputkey,year,month,day,lon,lat,value > table.txt
  • The file table.txt will be created and can be parsed with e.g. R, Python or Excel to do:

    • Further statistical analysis

    • Boxplots comparing historical vs future conditions

    • Day of the year plots, etc.

13. Downloading CORDEX files

  1. Create account for ESGF node

  2. Login with your OpenID after receiving confirmation email

  3. Register to the CORDEX group

  4. Explore and select desired data (checked boxes, note for later, where the pointer is)

    index c8cde

13.1. File by file

  1. To download file by file through your browser click on list files

  2. Then click on HTTP Download, this will open a prompt

    index 8a296
  3. Save file and repeat

  4. Note that CORDEX files are usually on a 5 years basis (daily)

13.2. The automated way

  1. Click on Add all displayed results to Data Cart (where the
    pointer was in the penultimate image)

  2. Go to your data cart

    index e1854
  3. Select datasets to download. When ready, click on WGET Script

    index 89589
  4. Depending on your dataset, there might be several WGET Scripts.
    Click and save them.

    index 7ebba

13.3. Run script

  1. Open a Linux terminal

  2. Go to your downloads folder (see point 7)

  3. Run the following command (change the name appropriately):

    bash -H
    # The -H is to interactively enter your credentials
  4. Give credentials, the full OpenID looks like:

  5. This will start the download process of the NetCDF files

  6. This process will take a while and should look like this:

    Screenshot 20201026 143931

14. Homework

  1. Download CORDEX files for your home region

    • If not available, choose Lisbon or Delft, check here for domains

    • Historical period: 1961-1990

    • Projected: RCP 8.5 2070-2100

    • Variables: temperature, precipitation and either run off or soil moisture content

  2. Merge and crop files for your country and city

  3. Perform statistical analysis for the 3 variables in another software

    • Box plots of historical vs projected for your city

  1. Plot time series for your home city

    • Both periods and all variables

  2. Extra points for:

    • Probability density function plot for both periods

    • Average Day of the year (1-365) comparison plot

    • Monthly comparison boxplots

    • 2D map of average difference between the periods in your home country

      • Tips: sellatlonbox, this repo, or reprojection with CDO (remapbil)

15. Questions — ideas for the extra points?

You can contact me!